Monday, June 29, 2009

Just for the record, I haven't fallen off the face of the earth. Just working and working so not much "news"... stay tuned something fun must happen soon....

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Zoo Crew! Instead of the same Easter Egg Hunt we went to Hogle Zoo. It was a perfect day, the sun was shining(most of the time) and it was warm but not too warm. After a few hours at the zoo we headed back to Providence and Brian BBQ'd some burgers and hot dogs. I was a great day!!!

Papa and his ladies

Sometimes little ones need to stick together!!! After a day of hard play they are just puckered out!

One of Aceley's favorite things to do is chase the puppies. Once in awhile she actually catches them. I honestly think they stop and let her "catch" them.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I hope no one is worried about child labor. Aceley LOVES to help Nana cook every time she is here. Of course, it seems I am always cooking. A lot of the time Aceley asks me to "stop cooking and play with me". The other day I was making a lasagna for Sunday dinner and Ace wanted to help. So here she is putting chopped onions in the hamburger, and then browning the hamburger (I should forward this picture to some of the sisters in my ward, they just learned how to do this last year - and they are in their 30's!)

Monday, March 9, 2009

So Much For Spring!

8 inches of snow and still counting! Last night I went to bed and could see the grass in my front yard and thinking of all the new flowers I want to plant. This morning I get up and there is snow everywhere! The latest forecast is for 12 to 14 inches. I am tired of snow! It is not so much the cold, I can handle that, it is having to brush off the van everytime I want to go somewhere. I went in to a local fastfood joint to get lunch and had to clean off the windows again.

Erika however loves playing in it. She and Aceley braved to cold to jump in the snow. Aceley is not sure it is all it cracked up to be but she loves Erika so much she would fly to the moon if she wanted her to.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Cruise vacation

Monday, January 12th - We are on the ship, the Carnival Valor. In the background is Atlantis in the Bahamas. It was 75 degrees and wonderful!